Why Identity Data Analytics is Key to Strong Security Posture 

Every CISO should have a clear view of Access Flows, Entitlements, and User Status - all tracked over time - to achieve Responsible Governance objective. In this webinar, you'll learn why CISOs are required to have identity visibility and how they can achieve it with minimal effort.


✅ Identity Data KPIs: How many do you need?
✅ How to Achieve Identity Data Insights
✅ Customer Cases: Impact of Analytics!
✅ Demo Identity Data Analytics Platform! 📹

Table of Content

00:00 - 02:42: Introduction - Can you answer these questions? 

02:42 - 04:06: Challenges IAM

04:06 - 07:10: Identity Data Analytics

07:10 - 27:33: Demo

27:33 - 30:27: Use Cases

30:27 - End: Q&A

Interested in discussing your business case? 


How to prove that you are in control

✔ 8 Categories of identity indicators

✔ How to choose the right indicators?

✔ Based on ISO27001-framework



Test it yourself!

This identity indicator canvas is an interactive canvas, designed to help you prove that you are in control of your users and their access.


KPI-driven approach to IAM

Our guide walks you through everything you need to start using KPIs to improve IAM effectiveness.